Principles, Worth Sharing, Learnt Along The Way

3 min readJul 4, 2020

Beginning with the end in mind, learning to be at peace with myself. This is the agenda for my life ahead. Find your niche.

The parenting style of our parents has a greater impact on our lives, beyond our imagination. Childhood issues need to be dealt with, carefully. You must seek professional help if required.

Your life changes dramatically when you update the yardsticks you use to measure yourself and others, in various areas of your life. Whose standards am I following? Are they mine of someone else’s? You stop putting people and things on a pedestal. You start appreciating yourself more.

You are already enough, no matter what people say or how they make you feel. Your worth does not depend on the accomplishment or failure of others. it depends on your progress in your life.

Self-deprecation is not always healthy.

Whatever you do, do it because you feel good doing it. Know your strengths and play them. You don’t have to be out of your comfort zone all the time. Focus on your growth, not on someone else’s. You will attract your kind of people and the lifestyle you are made for.

The biggest sign of lack of fulfilment or interest is, the willingness to participate in your life.

Everything is meaningless when looked at from some distance. We are all trying to figure it out. People are all clueless to some extent. Being serious and taking everything personally is a futile exercise. Stop looking at people for validation. The more you do, the more you’ll feel empty.

It’s very important to have a vision in your life. What do you need to do? What do you think so? What do you want from your life?

Be opinionated and maintain flexibility in your thinking. Maintain a balance. Don’t be so fixated with ideas and opinions. Leave room for spontaneity.

If you are not actively participating in your own life or not decisive about it then you must realign yourself. You’ve got to do this again and again.

It is okay to be disliked by people. It is okay if they don’t agree with you. It is okay if you don’t fit. You will always find people who can relate to you.

Nothing is absolute, especially relationships. One day it’s too bright, the other it’s too dark. You don’t have to hate or love it all. You can learn to appreciate the parts you like and are allowed to dislike the parts you don’t like. It’s not absolute.

Give your best today. Think one day at a time. People with anxiety issues can relate. Do the next right thing.

Don’t set yourself on fire to make others feel comfortable. It’s not always worth it.

Don’t take your loved ones for granted.

Everyone is playing a game. Find yours.

People are not what they preach but how they make others feel and how they conduct themselves. You have no clue regarding what’s going on in their head. People have double standards, including yourself.

We are brainwashed to be nice and kind always. Invoke your dark side when it’s required. Don’t be obedient to everyone. Learn to speak your mind. Let others know your opinions. We need opinionated, rational and emotionally healthy people. Do not harm, do not take any shit either. Let them do their bit to earn your respect. It works both ways.

Society will impose its standards on you. Restrain from following and propagating unhelpful, damaging standards.

I cannot change people. I don’t want to. I can only work on myself. I can only improve myself. My peace is my priority. Respect others’ individuality, develop yours too.

Sometimes we cannot know everything beforehand. You must have faith in these testing times and go ahead. Being calm helps here.

Play offence. Don’t defend yourself.

Sometimes minor changes make huge differences. Most of the time we complicate issues by overthinking.

Assumptions are misleading. Our intuition cannot be right all the time. Base your arguments on factual information. Our judgements can go wrong.

You don’t have to follow the majority. You are allowed to be a minority in any area in your life. You can be an outlier. You can resist, disagree and protest.

Laugh, be joyful, dance, have fun, cry, smile, let it flow. It is okay to be vulnerable. We must learn to nourish our inner child.

We are human beings and are allowed to fumble now and then. You don’t have to be perfect or flawless all the time. Great people commit mistakes too.

